OKM II Classic Studio Microphone solo


OKM II Studio We offer studio versions for special requirements. These are selected from a large number of microphones by computer measurement and are characterized by: • Particularly closely tolerated frequency response. • Excellent channel synchronization of typically less than 5 dB deviation between left and right in the frequency range relevant for directional hearing, which achieves the best possible location sharpness in the stereo sound image.





1. Enables music recordings with outstanding spatial characteristics

2. Particularly suitable for live music recording

3. Can be utilized as a boundary layer microphone and as a lavalier or clip-on microphone

4. Applicable for Line-in inputs

5. Ideal for film scoring in 3D sound

6. Perfect for Voice Recording, Interviews, Broadcast, Ambient Nature Shots / ASMR Recordings, Quiet to Medium Volume Pop and Rock music, and Digial Camera

7. Excellet of Music Production and Professional Studio with A3 Adapter
